PPE when working with electric current
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Means of protection against electric current
Ensuring the safety of personnel at work is one of the most important tasks for employers, especially when it comes to business work with electric current, whose blows kill tens of thousands of people every hour. In order to avoid accidents, it is possible to work in operating electrical installations only using means of protection against electric current. And, of course, it is necessary to observe safety techniques, since the main causes of electrotraumatism are the ignoring of precautionary measures.
PPE against electric shock includes devices and appliances that either completely protect the worker from a possible electric shock or provide additional protection. Protection against electric current is necessary not only for electricians, but also for those workers who may come into contact with live structures, for example, during construction or repair.
Dielectric means of protection against electric current it is important not only to use it correctly, but also to store it in accordance with the strict rules described in the instructions. You cannot miss the deadline for mandatory tests. If the tool is expired or has any damage to the case, contamination, then there is no guarantee of protection against electric shocks.
Types of PPE from current
The catalog of the PromSIZ online store presents a wide range of products for protection against electric shock, which can be purchased at the most affordable prices:
Voltage indicators - one of the most important PPE against electric shock, which shows the presence or absence of electric current in the conductor. Handy portable devices that are used to check the correctness of electrical installations, search for damaged ones, etc.
Dielectric rubber mats measuring 750 by 750 mm and 500 by 500 mm, and 6 mm thick can be used when working with any voltage level, both in closed electrical installations and in open ones - if the weather is dry outside. This is additional PPE from the current, which has saved many lives. Rubber mats are easy to fold and carry. Suitable for work only in dry rooms!
Rubber and latex dielectric gloves for work with current-carrying wires and metal structures that are under voltage. Gloves for an electrician can be seamed or seamless, they withstand temperature changes from +40 to -40°C and can protect against electrical voltage up to 7500 V.
Universal operating bars are used to determine the voltage, turn on and off disconnectors, replace fuses, install tubular arresters, etc.
Dielectric boots and galoshes – shoe models that are an alternative to a rubber mat. They protect against stepping stress, isolating a person from the ground, the floor. They differ from each other not only in height, but also in the field of application. Boots are used in installations with voltage from 1000 to 2000 V, and galoshes - only up to 1000 V.
Portable grounding These are means of individual protection against current, which are used when working on current-carrying areas when the voltage is switched off. PZP insure against possible unauthorized current supply.
How to buy means of protection against current in Ukraine
In the online store PromSIZ you can buy dielectric gloves, boots, voltage indicators and other necessary protective means of protection against electric current that meet all technical conditions and have passed mandatory tests.
Call us by phone, and specialists of the PromSIZ company will tell you exactly which PPE you need to buy in order to protect your company's personnel from electrocution. Also, if necessary, they will consult for free, what else personal protective equipment and components may be needed to ensure safety and preserve the lives of workers.