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      Dermatological PPE and skin protection products
      In production, workers often deal with harmful and even toxic substances that, penetrating the body through the skin, can cause a number of occupational skin diseases, or simply negatively affect the condition of the skin. In order to prevent the negative effects of oils, paints, tar, acids, glue, UV rays, metal salts and dust, fats and other aggressive substances, special dermatological skin care products - creams and pastes - have been developed, which must be used before starting and after finishing work.

      Professional protective creams also protect your face and hands if you have to work in a negative temperature environment, for example, during severe frosts, when it is windy or in rooms with dry air. Using them is no less important than wearing a protective helmet, glasses or overalls.
      Types of dermatological siz

      Special professional creams and pasteswhich protect the skin from the influence of negative factors in production, are divided into cleansing, protective and restorative:
      Protective creams are applied to clean skin of exposed areas of the body before starting work. For each type of danger, special creams are developed that protect the personnel's skin from various types of threats. DSIZ in the form of creams for hands, feet, and face protect against sunlight, emitted during a fight, the appearance of fungus, and technical pollution.
      Cleansing dermatological PPE can be made in the form of a paste, as well as in the form of liquid cleaning agents without soap. Cleaning pastes are made with a solvent and without a solvent. Solvent-free cleaning pastes do a great job with hydrophilic pollutants or harmful substances that don't dissolve in water. This is fine metal dust, graphite, various types of oil and grease. Cleaning paste for hands with a solvent removes hydrophobic impurities from the skin - paint, tar, varnishes, etc. Abrasives of natural and artificial origin can be used in such pastes.
      Restorative pastes and creams used after finishing work, these creams are applied to cleansed skin to restore the water and fat balance, moisturize the skin, restore its elasticity, and stimulate regeneration. Restorative regenerating professional creams are used for the skin of the hands, body, and face, they normalize the natural Ph balance, slow down aging and improve the protective functions of the skin.
      Cleaning pastes they do not leave a sticky film on the skin, which irritates many, and restorative creams are easily applied and quickly absorbed. After them, overdried skin is moisturized, softened and does not crack.

      How to choose and buy DSIZ pastes and creams
      The prices of DSIZ depend on the volume of packaging of creams and pastes. In the PromSIZ online store, you can buy dermatological PPE in packages of different types - hard and soft, and with different volumes. If protective, cleansing or restorative creams and pastes are needed for individual use, you can buy them in small tubes. For production, where many workers are involved, it is better to buy DSIZ pastes and creams in packages of 1000-2000 ml, it is much cheaper and more profitable.

      Our managers will tell you about the types of creams and pastes presented in the catalog on the site, recommend the most suitable option that will provide the best protection for the skin and is suitable for the price. It is also possible to purchase special dispensers on the site, which make the consumption of DSIZ effective and economical, and also have protection against theft.