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      SKU: 000018632

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      SKU: 000000498

      Overalls – Protection against chemical effects
      Modern production almost always involves the use of chemicals that cannot be handled without special protection. To protect workers from the danger of chemical burns, it is necessary to equip them with special work suits. It is the direct responsibility of the employer to ensure high-quality and effective protection of personnel, because not only the health of employees depends on it, but also the overall level of productivity.

      In the catalog of the PromSIZ online store, you can find inexpensive work suits that provide high-quality protection against chemical effects of varying degrees of aggressiveness, such as solutions and aerosols of acids, organic solvents, petroleum products, poisonous substances, etc. Such work suits are in demand in various spheres of activity - from chemical plants to transportation, so they have many varieties - depending on the application.
      Types of protective suits
      Work suits, which provide protection against the harmful effects of chemical substances, are divided into two main types - isolating and filtering. They are used for different types of tasks: durable insulating suits made of one-piece pants with stockings and jackets with a hood - for disinfection, degassing, and filtering ones are suitable for work in laboratories.

      Insulating chemical clothing it must be hermetic so that air and liquids containing substances that can harm a person are not allowed to enter the body. This kind of protection is the most effective, and therefore it is used when the concentration of harmful chemicals is high, for example, during accidents, serious gas leaks, etc. Most often, such suits are made of rubberized fabric, which completely blocks the access of acids and other dangerous substances to the body. Insulating suits can be used in a wide temperature range, they are suitable for working in the cold.
      Filter suits for protection against chemical exposure they are sewn from thinner cotton fabrics, for example, mylar, which allow air to pass through and allow the body to breathe. Such clothing does not provide full protection from harmful substances, but significantly reduces their concentration and the force of impact on the skin, and at the same time does not limit the mobility of personnel.

      How to buy clothes to protect against the harmful effects of chemicals
      The type of suit depends on the specifics of production, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out what dangers the company's employees will face - and based on this, determine the necessary degree of protection. If you are not sure about your choice, call us and the managers PromSIZ company they will give free advice on types of suits for protection against aggressive chemical effects, and will also help you choose the right size.
      Our specialists will tell you what additional protective equipment may be needed, since in addition to suits for protection against dangerous chemical effects, special work shoes, protective ointments, gloves, masks, goggles and respirators must be used in production with an aggressive chemical environment. It is important to apply precautionary measures in a complex manner, only then they fully perform their functions.
      All means of protection against the negative effects of chemicals, which are presented in our catalog, are made of very strong, high-quality and wear-resistant materials. Protective suits will last a long time and guarantee the health of your company's personnel.