WINDTEX – Safety shoes from Giasco (Italy)

It is a light elastic thermoregulating membrane that blocks wind and water and keeps the microclimate between the skin and the fabric unchanged.
- It is an avant-garde product thanks to its light weight and, in particular, its elasticity.
- During working hours, including in winter, the temperature of the foot rises along with the release of heat.
- To keep the temperature down, heat is dissipated through sweat.
The Windtex® membrane, along with the windproof property, preserves the shoe's microclimate.
In addition, the membrane uses the innovative Aegis® antimicrobial technology, an antimicrobial treatment that separates and destroys the cell membrane of microorganisms, inhibiting the life processes of bacteria.
- It is a patented method that works through physical and ionic phenomena.
The antibacterial treatment is permanent and protects against unpleasant odors, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms through an antimicrobial barrier.
Safety shoes from Giasco