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      Heat-resistant safety shoes

      Work at many enterprises is associated with a serious health risk. To reduce the risk to workers to a minimum and prevent injuries, employers must provide personnel with special protective equipment. Heat-resistant special footwear should protect workers from hypothermia and burns. Heat-resistant leather boots and shoes, in addition to fulfilling their main function of protecting personnel from injuries and damaged feet, protect workers from high and low temperatures.

      For example, we must buy shoes for a welder to protect against spatter and metal splashes. Heat-resistant footwear has a special resistance to very low and extremely high temperatures. High-quality protective footwear, such as EXENA, GIASCO heat-resistant leather boots, has a temperature range from -20 to +300°C.

      Why do you need protective footwear with increased heat resistance

      Heat-resistant shoes and boots are most often bought in Kyiv for the following industries:

      Ship repair works.



      Welding work.


      If workers spend a lot of time in the cold, in the snow, or, on the contrary, are forced to move on hot surfaces, ordinary safety shoes may not provide the necessary protection. Heat-resistant leather boots and shoes are made of special, very durable materials that are not affected by temperatures.

      Soles for heat-resistant shoes are made of two-layer polyurethane - this is a light and flexible material that almost does not deform, and nitrile rubber with HRO protection. The material of the upper is preferably made of genuine leather, nitrile rubber or leather with a polyurethane coating, due to which the shoes are almost impervious to external influences and serve for several years.

      High-quality HRO shoes should be firmly fixed on the leg, especially in the area of the foot lift, to provide cushioning. It is for this reason that you should not buy cheap thermal shoes, most often they do not correspond to the characteristics in the description and deteriorate quickly.

      How to choose and buy heat-resistant shoes

      When choosing protective footwear, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the workers' activities, because the necessary protective properties will depend on this. For example, the shoes of a welder, a metallurgist will differ from the shoes used in construction or in security activities.

      If workers have to move on a hot floor, it matters how long they are forced to come into contact with it, since not all heat-resistant shoes are designed for contact with heated surfaces for more than a minute - regardless of the brand.

      The height of the shin is also very important, since not all HRO boots will provide sufficient protection in all working conditions, for some professions it is necessary to buy heat-resistant boots. For example, if the workers have to be in the snow for a long time.

      It is worth buying HRO shoes closer to the evening, as the foot may swell and increase by half a size during the day. For the same reason, you cannot buy uncomfortable heat-resistant shoes in the hope that they will wear off - it is important that the product is immediately comfortable.

      In the PromSIZ online store, you can buy high-quality HRO shoes from international and domestic brands. The assortment includes heat-resistant footwear, including welder's boots from GIASCO, Exena, and other manufacturers. For more accurate information, contact our specialists, they will help you choose a model that will suit your specific request.