Training ground equipment for training the company's employees to perform high-altitude work

The educational and training ground allows you to conduct full-fledged practical training in the skills of performing work at height, including climbing work with the use of PPE against falling from a height. This allows you to minimize risks when performing similar work and reduces the factor of surprise (fear) in the event of a critical situation at the workplace.
The educational and training ground has three training zones imitating various working platforms.
Skills practiced in zone 1:
- - work in an unsupported space
- - independent evacuation
- – evacuation actions to free yourself from freezing in the event of a fall
- - practicing the skills of working on stationary vertical anchor lines
- – raising/lowering the power line support
- – raising/lowering using a double sling with a shock absorber
- - positioning at the workplace
Equipped with:
- vertical stationary cable-type safety system - 1 pc.
– vertical stationary tire-type insurance system – 1 pc.
Skills practiced in zone 2:
– descent/ascent/evacuation from a confined space (mounting of the bracket on the site is required)
- carrying out work using a stationary cable horizontal belay system
- carrying out works using a stationary tire horizontal insurance system
- carrying out work using a mobile cable horizontal belay system
- descent/ascent on a vertical ladder
– insurance when moving on a horizontal platform
Equipped with:
– a horizontal stationary rope-type belay system
– horizontal stationary tire-type insurance system
bracket for a mobile insurance and evacuation device
Skills practiced in zone 3:
- descent/ascent on a vertical ladder using retracting devices
- carrying out work using a stationary cable horizontal belay system
- carrying out works using a stationary tire horizontal insurance system
- carrying out work using a mobile cable horizontal belay system
- descent/ascent on a vertical ladder
– insurance when moving on a horizontal platform
– horizontal stationary tire-type insurance system
bracket for a mobile insurance and evacuation device
– descent/ascent/movement using a double sling with a shock absorber
– insurance when carrying out work on a horizontal platform
- training of working skills with the help of a mobile anchor line for I-beams
- development of skills for working with mobile horizontal and vertical anchor lines
- positioning at the workplace
- organization of an anchor point with the help of special equipment
– evacuation actions to free yourself from freezing in the event of a fall
- practicing skills when working at height in a confined space
– descent/ascent/evacuation (mounting of the bracket on the site is required)
Equipped with:
– bracket for a mobile insurance and evacuation device – 1 pc.
The equipment offered by us is widely used at the client's enterprises, is characterized by high quality, convenience and reliability, meets the necessary standards and has a complete list of quality-confirming documents. After the purchase and installation of this equipment, the specialists of our organization conducted comprehensive training on its correct use.